sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2015

Jacaré pré-histórico do Acre tinha tamanho de um ônibus e mordia mais forte que um tiranossauro

Jacaré pré-histórico do Acre tinha tamanho de um ônibus e mordia mais forte que um tiranossauro


Maior que um ônibus e com a mordida mais forte que a de um tiranossauro. Parece inimaginável, mas existiu. E, mais ainda, viveu no Brasil, mais especificamente na região que fica atualmente o Acre. OPurussaurus brasiliensis foi totalmente detalhado por pesquisadores, que já o conheciam há tempos, mas nunca tiveram informações mais detalhadas.

Entre as características expostas do réptil aquático, três se destacam. A primeira é a potência da mordida dele: nada menos do que 70 mil newtons, ou se você preferir, 7 toneladas de pressão. Para se ter ideia,  valor é dez vezes a mordida de um leão. O segundo é seu tamanho, de 12,5m. Colocando o efeito de comparação, o jacaré era do tamanho de um ônibus de linha comum. Por fim, em terceiro lugar, está o peso. Toda essa força consumia 40kg de comida por dia para manter esbeltas 8,5 toneladas.

Os 40kg de alimentos consumidos pelo P. brasiliensis significavam muito problema para os animais que estavam no mesmo ecossistema. Isso porque, por conta do formato dos dentes, os especialistas afirmam que ele era carnívoro. Considerando que a Amazônia na época era um superpantanal, circulavam por lá animais como roedores de quase uma tonelada, o que facilitava o trabalho do réptil.

Tão gigante e poderoso, esse animal dominou a região por muito tempo. Cientistas estimam que sua extinção tenha sido causada pelas mudanças bruscas no ecossistema. Afinal, com esse tamanho, ele não se locomovia muito para caçar. Com as transformações na região, passou a não ter mais presas e simplesmente sumiu. Sorte de quem mora hoje na região.
fonte : yahoo noticia

quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2015

como inicio a comunicação no mundo

Os homens das cavernas, com seu cérebro rudimentar, deviam se comunicar através de gestos, posturas, gritos e grunhidos, assim como os demais animais não dotados da capacidade de expressão mais refinada.
Com certeza, em um determinado momento desse passado, esse homem aprendeu a relacionar objetos e seu uso e a criar utensílios para caça e proteção e pode ter passado isso aos demais, através de gestos e repetição do processo, criando assim, uma forma primitiva e simples de linguagem.
Com o tempo, essa comunicação foi adquirindo formas mais claras e evoluídas, facilitando a comunicação não só entre os povos de uma mesma tribo, como entre tribos diferentes. As primeiras comunicações escritas (desenhos) de que se têm notícias são das inscrições nas cavernas 8.000 anos a.C.
povo sumério, considerada a uma das mais antigas civilizações do mundo, já  ocupava a região da Mesopotâmia quatro séculos antes de Cristo. Essa civilização foi a primeira a usar o sistema pictográfico (escritas feitas nas cavernas, com tintas).
Esse tipo de escrita era utilizada, também, pelos egípcios que, em 3100 a.C., criaram seus hierós glyphós ou “escrita sagrada”, como os gregos as chamavam.
Esse tipo de escrita era, além de pictórica, ideográfica, ou seja, utilizava símbolos simples para representar tanto objetos materiais, como idéias abstratas. Utilizava o princípio do ideograma (sinal que exprime idéias) no estágio em que deixa de significar o objeto que representa, para indicar o fonograma referente ao nome desse objeto.
Uma das mais significativas contribuições dos sumerianos está ligada ao desenvolvimento da chamada escrita cuneiforme. Nesse sistema, observamos a impressão dos caracteres sobre uma base de argila que era exposta ao sol e, logo depois, endurecida com sua exposição ao fogo. De fato, essa civilização mesopotâmica produziu uma extensa atividade literária que contou com a criação de poemas, códigos de leis, fábulas, mitos e outras narrativas. É a língua escrita mais antiga das que se têm testemunhos gráficos. As primeiras inscrições procedem de 3000 a.C.
Um estágio moderno da comunicação humana foi a descoberta da tipografia (arte de imprimir), pelo alemão Johann Gutemberg, em 1445. Essa invenção multiplicou e barateou os custos dos escritos da época e abriu a era da comunicação social.

Componentes da Comunicação

São componentes do processo de comunicação: o emissor da mensagem, o receptor, a mensagem em si, o canal de propagação, o meio de comunicação, a resposta (feedback) e o ambiente onde o processo comunicativo acontece.
Com relação ao ambiente, o processo comunicacional sofre interferências do ruído e a interpretação e compreensão da mensagem fica subordinada ao repertório (crenças, modo de ser, comportamentos) do receptor.
Em relação à forma, a comunicação pode ser verbal, não-verbal, gestual e mediada.
Verbal – Comunicação através da fala propriamente dita, formada por palavras e frases. Tem suas dificuldades (timidez,gagueira, etc.), mas ainda é a melhor forma de comunicação.
Não-verbal – Comunicação que não é feita por palavras faladas ou escritas. Usam-se muito os símbolos (sinais, placas, logotipos, ícones) que são constituídos de formas, cores e tipografias, que combinados transmitem uma idéia ou mensagem.
Linguagem corporal corresponde a todos os movimentos gestuais e de postura que fazem com que a comunicação seja mais efetiva. A gesticulação foi a primeira forma de comunicação. Com o aparecimento da palavra falada os gestos foram tornando-se secundários, contudo eles constituem o complemento da expressão, devendo ser coerentes com o conteúdo da mensagem.
A expressão corporal é fortemente ligada ao psicológico, traços comportamentais são secundários e auxiliares. Geralmente é utilizada para auxiliar na comunicação verbal, porém, deve-se tomar cuidado, pois muitas vezes a boca diz uma coisa, mas o corpo fala outra completamente diferente
Comunicação mediada - processo de comunicação em que está envolvido algum tipo de aparato técnico que intermedia os locutores.
Toda essa inovação nas formas de comunicação, fez com que a humanidade passasse a viver de uma forma totalmente nova, onde as fronteiras físicas deixam de ser obstáculos à comunicação constante entre os povos. Formas que até alguns anos eram impensáveis, passam a fazer parte do nosso dia a dia.
Um universo novo se apresente e,se os horizontes se alargam, perde-se o controle da informação próxima e garantida. Chegamos à exacerbação da informação (que é diferente do conhecimento), através dos meios eletrônicos, dos quais a internet é a campeã. Nesse universo tecnológico predomina a sapiência humana, suas qualidades, mas também, suas mazelas. Cabe às pessoas que se comunicam, fazê-lo de forma a utilizar as informações como fonte de troca para aquisição do conhecimento e usá-las com sabedoria.

Dicas para uma boa Comunicação

  • Fale com o público e não para o público, envolva a platéia;
  • Descomplique, fale de forma simpes e direta;
  • Prepare-se. Qual assunto será abordado na sua comunicação?
  • Conheça seu público: Características, tamanho, sujeitos, etc.;
  • Procure elaborar textos curtos, de leitura rápida.
  • Se possível, coloque imagens relacionadas ao assunto, para chamar a atenção;
  • Releia seu comunicado para ver se está claro.
Lembrete: “A boca fala daquilo que o coração está cheio”. (Mt 15,18).
Portanto, mantenha a serenidade e reflita antes de elaborar uma comunicação.
História da Comunicação Humana: disponível em:
Civilização Suméria: disponível em:
fonte : inforescola

domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2015

All people with blue eyes descend from the same human

All people with blue eyes descend from the same human


Blue eyes correspond to 8% of Earth's population, about 600 million people. A survey conducted by the Danish geneticist Hans Eiberg with mitochondrial DNA revealed a curious fact: all people with blue eyes descend from the same human being. According to the study, a single gene mutation turned brown eye blue.

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Eiberg located this change in iris color with accuracy of time and space: this human mutant eye lived in the Black Sea region (southern Europe), about 7000 years ago. The mutation was following generation to generation and kept in human characteristics to the present day - 300 generations later, according to the website Mind Unleashed.
The discovery could be the explanation for the high concentration of blue eyes in the Old Continent, especially in Eastern Europe: Ukraine, 53% of people have blue eyes. Then the mutation spread to North America and Oceania. "A change in the OCA2 gene, created a 'switch' which literally 'turned off' the phenotype of brown eyes," Eiberg said.
Geneticists explain that the OCA2 gene controls the production of melanin pigment regulator of skin color, hair and eyes. The melanin production was not completely blocked (that cause albinism), creating humans with blue eyes. Before this change, all mankind had dark eyes. A beautiful surprise of nature, right?

source yahoo

sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2015

Remember RoboCop

1987 Movie
RoboCop is an American film 1987, action and science fiction, directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner. Wikipedia
Date: July 17, 1987 (USA)
Director: Paul Verhoeven
Music composed by Basil Poledouris
Continued: RoboCop 2
Costumes: Erica Edell Phillips
In a dystopic and crime-ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg haunted by submerged memories.

Director: Paul Verhoeven
Writers: Edward Neumeier, Michael Miner
Stars: Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy | See full cast and crew
wikipedia source and MDB

quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015

President of Ukraine threat with martial law if there is no peace plan

President of Ukraine threat with martial law if there is no peace plan
Petro Poroshenko said that "everything depends on the outcome of the summit '.
World leaders meet in Minsk to try agreement.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he was willing to establish martial law across Ukrainian territory if they fail the negotiations provided on Wednesday in Minsk and worsen the conflict in their country.
learn more

"Everything will depend on the outcome of the summit. Or we can stop the opponent through diplomatic channels or there will be another system. I, the government and parliament are willing to establish martial law across the Ukrainian territory," Poroshenko said at a meeting with his cabinet few hours before the summit in Minsk.
The Minsk summit meets on Wednesday afternoon the presidents of Ukraine, Russia, France and the chancellor of Germany.
Poroshenko also said that the countries involved in this meeting will speak with one voice against Russia in an attempt to end the Ukrainian conflict.
"I can assure that Ukraine and the European Union will speak with one voice. The priority is a ceasefire without preconditions," he emphasized.
At least 47 people died, 19 Ukrainian soldiers, the last 24 hours in combat in eastern Ukraine, announced on Wednesday the separatist authorities on swings provided separately.
"Nineteen soldiers died and 78 were injured in the last 24 hours," said Vladislav Selezniov, the spokesman of the country's army.
Among them, five soldiers were killed in an attack with rocket launchers against the city of Kramatorsk, home to the headquarters of the Ukrainian army in eastern breakaway.
In addition, 11 civilians were killed in this attack.
The fighting in Ukraine have intensified in recent days, despite diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict, which has left more than 5,300 dead since April last year.
  g1 source

segunda-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2015

segunda-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2015

China says the US is against Obama meeting with Dalai Lama

China says the US is against Obama meeting with Dalai Lama

source: g1

China warned the United States on Monday (2) that opposes any country meet the Dalai Lama "in any way" after the White House had informed the US President, Barack Obama, can attend an event with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, which Beijing considers a separatist.
The White House said last week that Obama may speak at a breakfast on February 5 in Washington about the importance of religious freedom. The Dalai Lama should attend the ceremony.
"China opposes any nation or government use the issue of Tibiez to interfere in China's internal affairs, and opposes any country leader to meet with the Dalai Lama in any way," said the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Hong Lei at a press conference
Obama and Dalai Lama will appear together in public
Pope denies hearing the Dalai Lama to avoid problems with China
"China hopes the US to meet their promises on the issue of Tibiez, and proceed appropriately to deal with the issue on the basis of the general conditions of bilateral relations."
The White House, which said Obama has "great relationship" with the Dalai Lama, has not announced any specific meeting between the two.
Obama met with the Dalai Lama in Washington in February, the third between them, which infuriated Beijing. China says the monk is a "separatist" dangerous seeking the independence of Tibiez.

happy doctor

robo crazy

G.I. Joe remind

GI Joe is an American action figures franchise produced by Hasbro1 toy company. In Brazil, under the name of Falcon and then Action Figures was manufactured by Star.

GI Joe, as he said at the opening of the design, "is the code name of the boldest of the world strike team Its purpose:. Defend human freedom against Cobra Organization, a ruthless terrorist group determined to dominate the world."
Animated series [edit source]
Action Figures (GI Joe: A Real American Hero): The first cartoon in the franchise. Produced between 1983 and 1987 (Sunbow), then between 1989 and 1991 (DIC). In Brazil was broadcast by Rede Globo (between 1986 and 1994. The DIC, only the 3rd season of 1990 was televised) and then at the now defunct channel paid Locomotion (around 1999, only a few episodes of season 1, 1995) . In all, 100 episodes (95 more a feature length) produced by Sunbow and 44 produced by DIC:
The Mass Device (1983): Special chapters 5.
The Revenge of Cobra (1984): Special 5 chapters.
Season 1 (1985): 55 episodes.
Season 2 (1986): 30 episodes.
The Movie (1987): Long animated feature, sometimes divided into 5 chapters.
Operation Dragonfire (1989): Special chapters 5.
Season 3 (1990): 19 episodes.
Season 4 (1991): 20 episodes.
Sgt. Savage and His Screaming Eagles: The design had only one episode (the Sunbow in 1994) that never aired, only came with the doll that gives title to the production. The intention was to promote the new line of dolls (which were few inches bigger).
GI Joe Extreme: This new series replaced the canceled project last year. He had also new characters, using only the character Sgt. Savage's previous design. Had two seasons (by Sunbow / Gunther-Wahl between 1995 and 1997). In Brazil was broadcast on pay channel Locomotion extinct around 1999.
Season 1 (1995-1996): 13 episodes.
Season 2 (1996-1997): 13 episodes.
GI Joe: Spy Troops: Animation (produced by studio Reel FX in 2003) with effect from CGI who tried to redesign the franchise in the new millennium. He returned with famous characters from the 80s and introducing some new ones.
G.I. Joe: Valor vs. Venom: Other feature film (by Reel FX in 2004) animated effects with CGI sequence that led to the previous production, with better effects and new characters as well as some more famous.
GI Joe: Ninja Battles: Animation (by Reel FX in 2004) in narrative format with a retelling of the story of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. Some scenes of the two previous films were used. Came with a set of dolls.
GI Joe: Sigma 6: Anime facing more pro child audience (produced by Gonzo between 2005 and 2007). Had two seasons and had the participation of a few characters, but almost everyone already famous. In Brazil, was broadcast on pay channel Jetix extinct in 2008.
Season 1 (2005-2006): 13 episodes.
Season 2 (2006-2007): 13 episodes.
GI Joe: Resolute: It was an animated series (produced by Titmouse Inc. in 2009) of short episodes that together compose a full-length. It was well accepted by the fans for having most of the famous characters and have arguments and situations facing pro adult audience. For this reason, the integrated grid famous Adult Swim program in the United States.
GI Joe: Renegades: It was a new animated series (produced by Hasbro Studios in 2010-2011) where a retelling of the saga was made. Also with some classic characters and other appearing occasionally. It was also well received by the fans though not as adult when the previous production. The series was not canceled, but was suspended without forecast to return.
Season 1 (2010-2011): 26 episodes.
GI Joe: Operation HISS: Animated Series CGI launched exclusively online (Hasbro Studios in 2010) and gave sequence to the film in 2009 live action (The Rise of Cobra). It was not well received by the production is low budget.
United States [edit source]
Marvel Comics
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero: Between 1982 to 1994. 155 monthly issues.
G.I. Joe: Yearbook: Annual Summary. Between 1985 and 1988. 4 issues per year.
G.I. Joe: Special Missions: Between 1986 to 1989. 28 bimonthly issues.
GI Joe: Order of Battle: Between 1986 and 1987. 4 monthly issues.
GI Joe and the Transformers: In 1987. 4 monthly issues.
GI Joe: European Missions: Between 1988 and 1989. 15 monthly issues.
GI Joe Comics Magazine, Tales of GI Joe: A Real American Hero and Trade Paperback: Reissues of previous editions.
Transformers: Generation 2: Mini-series that had the presence of GI Joes.
Blackthorne Publishing
The Official How to Draw GI Joe: Between 1987 and 1988. 4 monthly issues.
GI Joe in 3D: Between 1987 and 1988. 6 quarterly issues.
Dark Horse
GI Joe Extreme: Between 1985 and 1986 four monthly issues.
Image Comics / Devil's Due Publishing
GI Joe: A Real American Hero (Volume 2): Alternative Future of the saga. Between 2001 and 2005. 43 monthly issues.
Battle Files and Data Desk Handbook: Sheets of characters and vehicles. In 2002, 3 bimonthly editions and in 2005 (an issue) and 2007, two monthly issues.
Convention Specials and special editions: 12 assorted and sporadic issues in the second half of the 2010 decade.
Front Line: Between 2002 and 2003 editions to 18 times monthly fortnightly other.
GI Joe: Master & Apprentice 1 and 2: In 2004, four monthly issues and in 2005, four monthly issues.
GI Joe: America's Elite: Continuation of GI Joe: A Real American Hero Vol.2 Between 2005 and 2008, 36 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Special Missions: Between 2006 and 2007. 6 sporadic issues.
Storm Shadow: In 2007 seven monthly issues.
Declassified: Between 2005 and 2007 13 sporadic issues divided into 4 mini-series (Snake Eyes, GI Joe, Scarlett and Dreadnoks) of 1, 3 or 6 episodes.
GI Joe vs. Transformers I, II, III (The Art of War) and IV (Black Horizon): In 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007. 6, 4, 5:02 monthly issues each.
GI Joe: Reloaded: Between 2004 and 2005. 14 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Sigma 6: Between 2005 and 2006. 6 monthly issues.
Dreamwave Productions
Transformers / GI Joe: Between 2003 and 2004. 6 monthly issues.
Transformers / GI Joe: Divided Front: Just had the 1st edition in 2004 for loss of franchise license.
25th Anniversary Comic Packs and 3 3/4 "Comic Packs:. Reissues of previous editions between 2004 and 2006 and between 2008 and 2009 editions in 9:21 dolls packs.
25th Anniversary Comic Packs (Originals): spare Stories involving the characters of the packs in which they came together. Between 2008 and 2009 editions in 16 dolls packs.
Mini Comics: Between 1985 and 2004 20 assorted and sporadic issues attached to other promotional products.
Fun Publications
GI Joe: Collector's Club Monthly: Between 2010 and 2011. 20 monthly issues.
GI Joe vs. Cobra: Between 2008 and 2010. 6 sporadic issues.
IDW Publications
GI Joe (Season 1): Between 2008 and 2011. Continuation of America's Elite (alternate future). 29 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Cobra Civil War / Cobra Command (Season 2): Continued from previous. Between 2011 and 2012. 19 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Cobra - Vol 1 and 2: Between 2009 and 2010 and between 2011 and 2012 19:20 monthly issues each..
Cobra Civil War: Snake Eyes: Between 2011 and 2012. 10 monthly issues.
GI Joe Origins: Between 2009 and 2011. 23 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Hearts & Minds: In 2010. 5 monthly issues.
GI Joe: A Real American Hero (Volume 1, continued): The official continuation of the saga interrupted in 1994 by Marvel Comics. Since 2010. 33 monthly issues (updated March 2013).
GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra (Movie Prequel) and (Movie Adaptation): In 2009. 4 monthly and weekly editions each respectively.
GI Joe: Snake Eyes: Between 2009 and 2010. 4 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Operation HISS: In 2010. 5 monthly issues.
GI Joe 2: Retaliation (Movie Prequel): In 2012. 2 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Future Noir: In 2010. 2 monthly issues.
Infastation 1 and 2: In 2011 and in 2012. 4:03 monthly issues.
GI Joe: The Best (Worst) of: Between 2009 and 2010. 9 assorted and sporadic issues.
GI Joe: Disavowed: Reissues of previous editions of "alternative future" (Image, Devil's Due and IDW). Come In. 5 editions.
GI Joe: A Real American Hero (Trade Paperback 2) and Special Missions: Other reissues of Marvel Comics editions. Between 2009 and 2012 and between 2010 and 2011 14:04 sporadic issues each.
Miscelânias: Between. 8 assorted and sporadic issues.

source: wikipedia