quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015

President of Ukraine threat with martial law if there is no peace plan

President of Ukraine threat with martial law if there is no peace plan
Petro Poroshenko said that "everything depends on the outcome of the summit '.
World leaders meet in Minsk to try agreement.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he was willing to establish martial law across Ukrainian territory if they fail the negotiations provided on Wednesday in Minsk and worsen the conflict in their country.
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"Everything will depend on the outcome of the summit. Or we can stop the opponent through diplomatic channels or there will be another system. I, the government and parliament are willing to establish martial law across the Ukrainian territory," Poroshenko said at a meeting with his cabinet few hours before the summit in Minsk.
The Minsk summit meets on Wednesday afternoon the presidents of Ukraine, Russia, France and the chancellor of Germany.
Poroshenko also said that the countries involved in this meeting will speak with one voice against Russia in an attempt to end the Ukrainian conflict.
"I can assure that Ukraine and the European Union will speak with one voice. The priority is a ceasefire without preconditions," he emphasized.
At least 47 people died, 19 Ukrainian soldiers, the last 24 hours in combat in eastern Ukraine, announced on Wednesday the separatist authorities on swings provided separately.
"Nineteen soldiers died and 78 were injured in the last 24 hours," said Vladislav Selezniov, the spokesman of the country's army.
Among them, five soldiers were killed in an attack with rocket launchers against the city of Kramatorsk, home to the headquarters of the Ukrainian army in eastern breakaway.
In addition, 11 civilians were killed in this attack.
The fighting in Ukraine have intensified in recent days, despite diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict, which has left more than 5,300 dead since April last year.
  g1 source

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