terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2015

Cientistas desvendam como egípcios transportavam pedras gigantes -- e não tem nada de alienígena

O modo como os egípcios carregavam pedras gigantescas pelo deserto para construir pirâmides sempre foi um mistério para cientistas. Não é mais. E a técnica usada por eles, apontam especialistas, era a mais simples possível: eles jogavam água na areia.

Pesquisa liderada pela Universidade de Amsterdã, na Holanda, mostra que umedecer a areia diminui a tração pela metade. Assim sendo, os egípcios podiam usar metade do contingente de homens necessários para mover os blocos apenas com essa técnica.

“A saturação de água é acompanhada por uma diminuição da rigidez. Com muita água, o atrito de deslizamento aumenta novamente, o que nos faz detectar que se trata de um equilíbrio delicado. Há uma rigidez ideal da areia que os egípcios souberam calcular em sua época”, explica Daniel Bonn, cientista que conduziu o estudo.

O que mais impressionou Bonn, no entanto, foi o tempo que cientistas atuais demoraram para descobrir isso. Afinal, segundo ele, a resposta estava “na cara de todos”. Isso porque ilustrações encontradas, por exemplo, na tumba de Djehutihotep mostram homens jogando líquidos em frente a estátuas. Esse sinal, por exemplo, sempre foi encarado como “ritual de purificação”, nunca como forma de locomoção.
Imagem mostra estátua sendo regada: o segredo era só molhar areia (Reprodução)
fonte :Yahoo noticia

quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2015

Meteor shower will pass close to Earth


The next Wednesday (22) is marked by an intense peak of the Lyrid meteor shower, which can be seen from Earth. According to experts, in cases of luck, can be seen between 10 to 20 meteors per hour in the terrestrial sky.

One of the conditions that make the event special is the position of the moon. In growing phase, it will be with only 1/15 of its natural glow, which will cause the show is best viewed. As it is difficult to track the passage of the meteor shower with the naked eye, experts recommend at least the use of binoculars.

For anyone with the overcast sky or do not have the necessary equipment, the Community Observatory Slooh will make live broadcast of the event. To improve the transmission is done with brand new equipment and provide better observation of the phenomenon
yahoo source.

segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2015

question of the blog author

What type story you like best?

Terra já 'engoliu' um planeta -- e isso foi crucial para a vida existir por aqui

Um dos aspectos mais desconhecidos pelo ser humano sobre a Terra é o interior do planeta. Diversos materiais raríssimos estão no manto de lava que fica abaixo da crosta e, mais ainda, nas proximidades do núcleo. Lá por, exemplo, é criada a energia responsável pelo campo magnético de nosso planeta. E tudo isso pode ser fruto do choque entre a Terra e um outro planeta há bilhões de anos.

Publicada na conceituada revista Nature, uma pesquisa dá conta de que não foram apenas meteoros que trouxeram materiais orgânicos para a Terra. O estudo propõe que um planeta que teria o tamanho de Mercúrio pode ter se chocado com a Terra, fazendo com que materiais raríssimos fossem adicionados à composição do nosso planeta. Esse choque teria sido primordial para a criação do campo magnético que hoje sustenta a gravidade.

Recentemente especialistas já haviam divulgado que a existência da Lua e a relação posterior do satélite com a Terra podem ser frutos de um choque entre planetas — o que indica que esses choques poderiam ser mais comuns do que se imagina.

Agora, cientistas procuram descobrir se esse suposto choque, responsável pela chegada de novos elementos químicos, também foi responsável por criar a atmosfera terrestre e, principalmente, manter o oxigênio no planeta, fator crucial para o desenvolvimento da vida por aqui.

fonte yahoo noticia

domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

cubist painting

Internet makes people feel smarter than they really are

Researchers at Yale University (USA) have made a discovery able to explain why so many fights on the Internet. According to American psychologists, use technology makes people think they have more knowledge and are smarter than they really are. The study was published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology.
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According to the study, people tend to overestimate their knowledge. This is because they tend to confuse their knowledge with the possible information to be accessed on the Internet, according to the study published by researchers at Yale University in March 2015.
Scientists have experimented with users to test this hypothesis. In the first part of the test, they asked participants to answer questions and half the group could use the Internet as a source of consultation. Have the other half answered without using any support for the desired information.
In the second part of the study, both groups responded issues not related to the topics asked before without consultation. Who used the Internet in the first part of the test, responded with more confidence in the final stage. "People tend to confuse where just knowing them and where begins the outside knowledge," says Mathew Fisher, coordinator of the study.
According to the Yale researchers, this effect caused by the use of the Internet also occurred when people were faced with complex questions, the answer was not accessible online. According to scientists, people feel holders of knowledge even if the online survey does not reveal anything new. Caution on Using the Internet, you know us?
source: yahoo news

quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2015

The scientist believes will find life next decade

The scientist believes will find life next decade
Is there life beyond Earth? Apparently so, and we could find out their existence in the next decade. According to the chief scientist of NASA, Ellen Stofan, we aliens records that live on other planets by 2025.
Stofan believes that signs of life will be found outside the Earth within 10 years, and definitive proof of this in 20 years. "We know where to look. So we know how to look," he said in a debate broadcast on NASA TV on the possibility of finding other "habitable worlds."
"In maiorida cases, we have the technology and we are in the process of implementing it. So we believe that we are definitely on the right track for that."
What and where?
The first discovery of life beyond Earth are probably closer than we think, but are not little green men in spaceships and, yes, some species of plankton or algae.
know more
NASA recognizes not finding 'alien bacteria'
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There is plenty of water in the solar system. It is almost certain that there are salt water oceans under the icy shell of Jupiter's moons, Ganymede and Europe, as well as on Saturn's moon, Enceladus.
The water is kept liquid by the intense gravity of giant where the orbiting moons, which deforms and contributes to the heating of their cores.
It is believed that Enceladus has volcanic activity in the depths of your ocean, which would keep the water heated to a temperature of 93.
It is believed that all three moons have more water in its oceans than all the oceans on Earth together. Still can not know whether there is life there, but they are great places to start looking.
And there is also Mars, of course. It is almost certain that the red planet had oceans ever, and there is photographic evidence suggesting that there is still a lot of water hidden beneath the surface. Sometimes it bubbles and form temporary rivers.
The Curiosity rover NASA - vehicle designed to explore the surface of Mars - recently discovered "organic molecules containing carbon." That would mean "life blocks under construction". It is them that we're done.
However, water molecules and does not mean life.
Photo released by NASA on June 23 shows self-portrait of the robot Curiosity on Mars (Photo: AP Photo / NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, File)
N1 source

quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2015

possibility to have life on mars

More and more chance of Mars be able to support life. News from evidence of Curiosity probe, which explores the planet, show that life may have existed on site in a period of time much closer than previous research indicated.

NASA now indicates that there are "strong evidence" that Mars had lakes, rivers and even oceans. This discovery was made in the journey of Curiosity to Mount Sharp, which passed through the Gale Crater, where would the water concentration.

Despite the finding, NASA does not treat the oceans as proof of the existence of life. The space agency considers that the evidence is a significant advance in the matter, since show that Mars "is able to support life."

A controversial topic to Curiosity does not carry instruments that can detect any form of life. That's because scientists do not have a consensus on how would this instrument. What experts say almost unanimously is that the search for Martian life would be directly connected to underground workings.

To determine the search NASA still working on a scheduled mission for 2020 in which could be experienced more methods to store the local soil samples plan.
yahoo news source