quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2015

The scientist believes will find life next decade

The scientist believes will find life next decade
Is there life beyond Earth? Apparently so, and we could find out their existence in the next decade. According to the chief scientist of NASA, Ellen Stofan, we aliens records that live on other planets by 2025.
Stofan believes that signs of life will be found outside the Earth within 10 years, and definitive proof of this in 20 years. "We know where to look. So we know how to look," he said in a debate broadcast on NASA TV on the possibility of finding other "habitable worlds."
"In maiorida cases, we have the technology and we are in the process of implementing it. So we believe that we are definitely on the right track for that."
What and where?
The first discovery of life beyond Earth are probably closer than we think, but are not little green men in spaceships and, yes, some species of plankton or algae.
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There is plenty of water in the solar system. It is almost certain that there are salt water oceans under the icy shell of Jupiter's moons, Ganymede and Europe, as well as on Saturn's moon, Enceladus.
The water is kept liquid by the intense gravity of giant where the orbiting moons, which deforms and contributes to the heating of their cores.
It is believed that Enceladus has volcanic activity in the depths of your ocean, which would keep the water heated to a temperature of 93.
It is believed that all three moons have more water in its oceans than all the oceans on Earth together. Still can not know whether there is life there, but they are great places to start looking.
And there is also Mars, of course. It is almost certain that the red planet had oceans ever, and there is photographic evidence suggesting that there is still a lot of water hidden beneath the surface. Sometimes it bubbles and form temporary rivers.
The Curiosity rover NASA - vehicle designed to explore the surface of Mars - recently discovered "organic molecules containing carbon." That would mean "life blocks under construction". It is them that we're done.
However, water molecules and does not mean life.
Photo released by NASA on June 23 shows self-portrait of the robot Curiosity on Mars (Photo: AP Photo / NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, File)
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