segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2015
quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2015
segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015
sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015
sábado, 13 de junho de 2015
quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2015
terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2015
segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2015
fourth chapter
after conquinta some planet Sirion his army was atraz vilacta conquer asteroid plant comes up front land with enter again the land of his family, had no idea his brother gemio I form a ground for protection account gigasteco challenge the warrior vilacta each plant name you force them can destroy planets. as he tentro decto inteplanetario beings warning sign enter land two of its soldiers deceu as Force celestial body fes estrao so in soil poses tremio place a call asteroid tofuu and other asterodie the den came takes all possible leads to their captain, so it did not count vilatar the police as tava destroyed breaking one of them came landmarks that you doing there? toofu- this human think I will block out kakakak. Den cacaba with it! Marcos- you so Arrested for destroying land and roba thing invadino another planet. Tofuu- we'll see. he correnda spinning in the air across the landmarks that one giranda falls so that imparta makes it tremble city traforma Mars bridle he first skips flies the dosi comeaç punch punch the impact flies dore To him realize so the city will not alguenta and resove caught behind takes space the space is looked at one other guy will fight punch fact DeFede other attacks defico fight destruino garbage stele and meteor I will have seen the light with
sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2015
Captain Room
He arrived in his ode planet lived where he met with more hatred esle destruction as force anything.
began want? Almighty together a exercico to invade the planet, her land the twins Luke MAOI he resoveu camiar in the forest that his grandfather liked caminar takes him along the path he noticed a hole had not realized how he saw enter port atimos made as strong as sun, he came near the system read dna it opened my size as it has seen image of his grandfather you planned deupediu he chooses chooses active yellow sun seen as more powerful armor stand in your escondeo aquel place of other, more I knew could help the person showed 5 person cad AUAM give your confiaça so Folta three foltava he vijiou your city looking alguam person chose three person full time quizerão then accept descobiu pruned protects more 9 Luke 10 fizerma chord formed between him voraõ do, were asked for help ricaso one day querei participates derão 11 he motarma different station type calls via lacata each drawing belt had 9 planets more hale and sun esquadão vilacta only way that could act qualque bestera.
began want? Almighty together a exercico to invade the planet, her land the twins Luke MAOI he resoveu camiar in the forest that his grandfather liked caminar takes him along the path he noticed a hole had not realized how he saw enter port atimos made as strong as sun, he came near the system read dna it opened my size as it has seen image of his grandfather you planned deupediu he chooses chooses active yellow sun seen as more powerful armor stand in your escondeo aquel place of other, more I knew could help the person showed 5 person cad AUAM give your confiaça so Folta three foltava he vijiou your city looking alguam person chose three person full time quizerão then accept descobiu pruned protects more 9 Luke 10 fizerma chord formed between him voraõ do, were asked for help ricaso one day querei participates derão 11 he motarma different station type calls via lacata each drawing belt had 9 planets more hale and sun esquadão vilacta only way that could act qualque bestera.
quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2015
third capitolo
third capitolo
As he arrived ship was talking with genral, B45-talk all normal not to change anything! the Genaral Blid- ok we procegui to our obejtivo, the B45 - B45 oops'm not mention Sirion active belt surgio brindagem shining bright sunny blue Mighty sun as 1 gradeza active eplodiu ship interaction'm calra azualdo space there he realized that all power there on surgio Sirio conquerors of the universe he was atra palneta dis created it so that as fast bites eye el ja tava paneta entered the satellite of Pantel descobiu pobjeto hot bilhante entrano atimosfera how he got solor said its micro oragnismo took me from my Falla will expensive with almento force blew up the pant plant as there was no force behind palnet eplorid not seen him dig with hatred in caração.
As he arrived ship was talking with genral, B45-talk all normal not to change anything! the Genaral Blid- ok we procegui to our obejtivo, the B45 - B45 oops'm not mention Sirion active belt surgio brindagem shining bright sunny blue Mighty sun as 1 gradeza active eplodiu ship interaction'm calra azualdo space there he realized that all power there on surgio Sirio conquerors of the universe he was atra palneta dis created it so that as fast bites eye el ja tava paneta entered the satellite of Pantel descobiu pobjeto hot bilhante entrano atimosfera how he got solor said its micro oragnismo took me from my Falla will expensive with almento force blew up the pant plant as there was no force behind palnet eplorid not seen him dig with hatred in caração.
terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2015
second part
second part
Marcio his grandfather spent 19 years trying to create this weapon, arrived on coneseguio so who died deicho that mark protected DNA sensor system so someone family podiar open. her room the boy was created as a test force of specified human and natural tiverse been planetal pantel.ultimo test around planet earth origin know some connection was made arrive punch palneto something happened misses the ship gave pobrema had terrissa like it see a hole will look like it will slip to the ground as it rises up from a face door made materil not known made by atmo March cannon atomic mporta read dna door open as he Abrio surgio plojeção esplico your FAMIA turo deo head odio name Felipe him as he fucinava lap belt as it is active'm super strong call Sirion Mighty blue sun he voltoo its snow said nothing as his ship arrived esploddi his head bridle think so. conitua
Marcio his grandfather spent 19 years trying to create this weapon, arrived on coneseguio so who died deicho that mark protected DNA sensor system so someone family podiar open. her room the boy was created as a test force of specified human and natural tiverse been planetal pantel.ultimo test around planet earth origin know some connection was made arrive punch palneto something happened misses the ship gave pobrema had terrissa like it see a hole will look like it will slip to the ground as it rises up from a face door made materil not known made by atmo March cannon atomic mporta read dna door open as he Abrio surgio plojeção esplico your FAMIA turo deo head odio name Felipe him as he fucinava lap belt as it is active'm super strong call Sirion Mighty blue sun he voltoo its snow said nothing as his ship arrived esploddi his head bridle think so. conitua
first part
first part
exister a city called Recife population and large a common city
had a couple called Matos was born in this family two crinaça gemeas
the parents took Pacia the old Recife, so Naque day surgio one star in the sky each approaching closer to the coemço couple runs subre vuado the couple mother could escape with more filhgo father try to save more other was killed by aleiginas take it imbora mother dop boy was talking to his father grandfather boys swore to bring back his grandson. create weapon.
quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2015
Nave Progress se desintegrará sexta-feira na atmosfera
![(Arte: AFP)](
"Segundo os cálculos dos especialistas da Roskosmos, a desintegração acontecerá em 8 de maio entre 1H23 e 21H55 horário de Moscou" (20H23 de Brasília em 7 de maio e 16H55 de 8 de maio), afirma um comunicado da da agência.
"A nave se desintegrará na íntegra ao atravessar as camadas da atmosfera da Terra. Apenas alguns pequenos fragmentos chegarão à superfície do planeta", completa.
Em 28 de abril, algumas horas depois do lançamento da Progress M-27, que seria acoplada à Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS), a nave de transporte de material deixou de responder aos engenheiros russos e começou a ter reações incontroláveis.
(Arte: AFP)
A Progress M-27M transporta material científico e produtos de primeira necessidade para a ISS, como água e comida. A perda, no entanto, não representará um problema para os seis astronautas que estão na ISS, que dispõem de vários meses de reservas.
Além do material, a Progress também transporta uma réplica da bandeira soviética que o Exército Vermelho hasteou em Berlim em 1945. Ela seria utilizada pelos astronautas russos da ISS para celebrar o 9 de maio, data que marca a vitória aliada contra os nazistas na II Guerra Mundial.
A cada ano, três ou quatro naves Progress viajam até a ISS para transportar material. Depois da missão caem e se desintegram na atmosfera, acima do Oceano Pacífico.
quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015
terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2015
Cientistas desvendam como egípcios transportavam pedras gigantes -- e não tem nada de alienígena
O modo como os egípcios carregavam pedras gigantescas pelo deserto para construir pirâmides sempre foi um mistério para cientistas. Não é mais. E a técnica usada por eles, apontam especialistas, era a mais simples possível: eles jogavam água na areia.
Pesquisa liderada pela Universidade de Amsterdã, na Holanda, mostra que umedecer a areia diminui a tração pela metade. Assim sendo, os egípcios podiam usar metade do contingente de homens necessários para mover os blocos apenas com essa técnica.
“A saturação de água é acompanhada por uma diminuição da rigidez. Com muita água, o atrito de deslizamento aumenta novamente, o que nos faz detectar que se trata de um equilíbrio delicado. Há uma rigidez ideal da areia que os egípcios souberam calcular em sua época”, explica Daniel Bonn, cientista que conduziu o estudo.
O que mais impressionou Bonn, no entanto, foi o tempo que cientistas atuais demoraram para descobrir isso. Afinal, segundo ele, a resposta estava “na cara de todos”. Isso porque ilustrações encontradas, por exemplo, na tumba de Djehutihotep mostram homens jogando líquidos em frente a estátuas. Esse sinal, por exemplo, sempre foi encarado como “ritual de purificação”, nunca como forma de locomoção.
![Imagem mostra estátua sendo regada: o segredo era só molhar areia (Reprodução)](
fonte :Yahoo noticia
Pesquisa liderada pela Universidade de Amsterdã, na Holanda, mostra que umedecer a areia diminui a tração pela metade. Assim sendo, os egípcios podiam usar metade do contingente de homens necessários para mover os blocos apenas com essa técnica.
“A saturação de água é acompanhada por uma diminuição da rigidez. Com muita água, o atrito de deslizamento aumenta novamente, o que nos faz detectar que se trata de um equilíbrio delicado. Há uma rigidez ideal da areia que os egípcios souberam calcular em sua época”, explica Daniel Bonn, cientista que conduziu o estudo.
O que mais impressionou Bonn, no entanto, foi o tempo que cientistas atuais demoraram para descobrir isso. Afinal, segundo ele, a resposta estava “na cara de todos”. Isso porque ilustrações encontradas, por exemplo, na tumba de Djehutihotep mostram homens jogando líquidos em frente a estátuas. Esse sinal, por exemplo, sempre foi encarado como “ritual de purificação”, nunca como forma de locomoção.
![Imagem mostra estátua sendo regada: o segredo era só molhar areia (Reprodução)](
fonte :Yahoo noticia
quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2015
Meteor shower will pass close to Earth
![ ](
The next Wednesday (22) is marked by an intense peak of the Lyrid meteor shower, which can be seen from Earth. According to experts, in cases of luck, can be seen between 10 to 20 meteors per hour in the terrestrial sky.
One of the conditions that make the event special is the position of the moon. In growing phase, it will be with only 1/15 of its natural glow, which will cause the show is best viewed. As it is difficult to track the passage of the meteor shower with the naked eye, experts recommend at least the use of binoculars.
For anyone with the overcast sky or do not have the necessary equipment, the Community Observatory Slooh will make live broadcast of the event. To improve the transmission is done with brand new equipment and provide better observation of the phenomenon
yahoo source.
segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2015
Terra já 'engoliu' um planeta -- e isso foi crucial para a vida existir por aqui
Um dos aspectos mais desconhecidos pelo ser humano sobre a Terra é o interior do planeta. Diversos materiais raríssimos estão no manto de lava que fica abaixo da crosta e, mais ainda, nas proximidades do núcleo. Lá por, exemplo, é criada a energia responsável pelo campo magnético de nosso planeta. E tudo isso pode ser fruto do choque entre a Terra e um outro planeta há bilhões de anos.
Publicada na conceituada revista Nature, uma pesquisa dá conta de que não foram apenas meteoros que trouxeram materiais orgânicos para a Terra. O estudo propõe que um planeta que teria o tamanho de Mercúrio pode ter se chocado com a Terra, fazendo com que materiais raríssimos fossem adicionados à composição do nosso planeta. Esse choque teria sido primordial para a criação do campo magnético que hoje sustenta a gravidade.
Recentemente especialistas já haviam divulgado que a existência da Lua e a relação posterior do satélite com a Terra podem ser frutos de um choque entre planetas — o que indica que esses choques poderiam ser mais comuns do que se imagina.
Agora, cientistas procuram descobrir se esse suposto choque, responsável pela chegada de novos elementos químicos, também foi responsável por criar a atmosfera terrestre e, principalmente, manter o oxigênio no planeta, fator crucial para o desenvolvimento da vida por aqui.
fonte yahoo noticia
Publicada na conceituada revista Nature, uma pesquisa dá conta de que não foram apenas meteoros que trouxeram materiais orgânicos para a Terra. O estudo propõe que um planeta que teria o tamanho de Mercúrio pode ter se chocado com a Terra, fazendo com que materiais raríssimos fossem adicionados à composição do nosso planeta. Esse choque teria sido primordial para a criação do campo magnético que hoje sustenta a gravidade.
Recentemente especialistas já haviam divulgado que a existência da Lua e a relação posterior do satélite com a Terra podem ser frutos de um choque entre planetas — o que indica que esses choques poderiam ser mais comuns do que se imagina.
Agora, cientistas procuram descobrir se esse suposto choque, responsável pela chegada de novos elementos químicos, também foi responsável por criar a atmosfera terrestre e, principalmente, manter o oxigênio no planeta, fator crucial para o desenvolvimento da vida por aqui.
fonte yahoo noticia
domingo, 12 de abril de 2015
Internet makes people feel smarter than they really are
Researchers at Yale University (USA) have made a discovery able to explain why so many fights on the Internet. According to American psychologists, use technology makes people think they have more knowledge and are smarter than they really are. The study was published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology.
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Cockroaches are sociable and make friends
According to the study, people tend to overestimate their knowledge. This is because they tend to confuse their knowledge with the possible information to be accessed on the Internet, according to the study published by researchers at Yale University in March 2015.
Scientists have experimented with users to test this hypothesis. In the first part of the test, they asked participants to answer questions and half the group could use the Internet as a source of consultation. Have the other half answered without using any support for the desired information.
In the second part of the study, both groups responded issues not related to the topics asked before without consultation. Who used the Internet in the first part of the test, responded with more confidence in the final stage. "People tend to confuse where just knowing them and where begins the outside knowledge," says Mathew Fisher, coordinator of the study.
According to the Yale researchers, this effect caused by the use of the Internet also occurred when people were faced with complex questions, the answer was not accessible online. According to scientists, people feel holders of knowledge even if the online survey does not reveal anything new. Caution on Using the Internet, you know us?
source: yahoo news
sexta-feira, 10 de abril de 2015
quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2015
The scientist believes will find life next decade
The scientist believes will find life next decade
Is there life beyond Earth? Apparently so, and we could find out their existence in the next decade. According to the chief scientist of NASA, Ellen Stofan, we aliens records that live on other planets by 2025.
Stofan believes that signs of life will be found outside the Earth within 10 years, and definitive proof of this in 20 years. "We know where to look. So we know how to look," he said in a debate broadcast on NASA TV on the possibility of finding other "habitable worlds."
"In maiorida cases, we have the technology and we are in the process of implementing it. So we believe that we are definitely on the right track for that."
What and where?
The first discovery of life beyond Earth are probably closer than we think, but are not little green men in spaceships and, yes, some species of plankton or algae.
know more
NASA recognizes not finding 'alien bacteria'
NASA telescope detects 'Alien' planet 33 light years from Earth
Life of discovery beyond Earth can affect religion and philosophy, says report
There is plenty of water in the solar system. It is almost certain that there are salt water oceans under the icy shell of Jupiter's moons, Ganymede and Europe, as well as on Saturn's moon, Enceladus.
The water is kept liquid by the intense gravity of giant where the orbiting moons, which deforms and contributes to the heating of their cores.
It is believed that Enceladus has volcanic activity in the depths of your ocean, which would keep the water heated to a temperature of 93.
It is believed that all three moons have more water in its oceans than all the oceans on Earth together. Still can not know whether there is life there, but they are great places to start looking.
And there is also Mars, of course. It is almost certain that the red planet had oceans ever, and there is photographic evidence suggesting that there is still a lot of water hidden beneath the surface. Sometimes it bubbles and form temporary rivers.
The Curiosity rover NASA - vehicle designed to explore the surface of Mars - recently discovered "organic molecules containing carbon." That would mean "life blocks under construction". It is them that we're done.
However, water molecules and does not mean life.
Photo released by NASA on June 23 shows self-portrait of the robot Curiosity on Mars (Photo: AP Photo / NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, File)
N1 source
Is there life beyond Earth? Apparently so, and we could find out their existence in the next decade. According to the chief scientist of NASA, Ellen Stofan, we aliens records that live on other planets by 2025.
Stofan believes that signs of life will be found outside the Earth within 10 years, and definitive proof of this in 20 years. "We know where to look. So we know how to look," he said in a debate broadcast on NASA TV on the possibility of finding other "habitable worlds."
"In maiorida cases, we have the technology and we are in the process of implementing it. So we believe that we are definitely on the right track for that."
What and where?
The first discovery of life beyond Earth are probably closer than we think, but are not little green men in spaceships and, yes, some species of plankton or algae.
know more
NASA recognizes not finding 'alien bacteria'
NASA telescope detects 'Alien' planet 33 light years from Earth
Life of discovery beyond Earth can affect religion and philosophy, says report
There is plenty of water in the solar system. It is almost certain that there are salt water oceans under the icy shell of Jupiter's moons, Ganymede and Europe, as well as on Saturn's moon, Enceladus.
The water is kept liquid by the intense gravity of giant where the orbiting moons, which deforms and contributes to the heating of their cores.
It is believed that Enceladus has volcanic activity in the depths of your ocean, which would keep the water heated to a temperature of 93.
It is believed that all three moons have more water in its oceans than all the oceans on Earth together. Still can not know whether there is life there, but they are great places to start looking.
And there is also Mars, of course. It is almost certain that the red planet had oceans ever, and there is photographic evidence suggesting that there is still a lot of water hidden beneath the surface. Sometimes it bubbles and form temporary rivers.
The Curiosity rover NASA - vehicle designed to explore the surface of Mars - recently discovered "organic molecules containing carbon." That would mean "life blocks under construction". It is them that we're done.
However, water molecules and does not mean life.
Photo released by NASA on June 23 shows self-portrait of the robot Curiosity on Mars (Photo: AP Photo / NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, File)
N1 source
quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2015
quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2015
quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2015
possibility to have life on mars
More and more chance of Mars be able to support life. News from evidence of Curiosity probe, which explores the planet, show that life may have existed on site in a period of time much closer than previous research indicated.
NASA now indicates that there are "strong evidence" that Mars had lakes, rivers and even oceans. This discovery was made in the journey of Curiosity to Mount Sharp, which passed through the Gale Crater, where would the water concentration.
Despite the finding, NASA does not treat the oceans as proof of the existence of life. The space agency considers that the evidence is a significant advance in the matter, since show that Mars "is able to support life."
A controversial topic to Curiosity does not carry instruments that can detect any form of life. That's because scientists do not have a consensus on how would this instrument. What experts say almost unanimously is that the search for Martian life would be directly connected to underground workings.
To determine the search NASA still working on a scheduled mission for 2020 in which could be experienced more methods to store the local soil samples plan.
yahoo news source
NASA now indicates that there are "strong evidence" that Mars had lakes, rivers and even oceans. This discovery was made in the journey of Curiosity to Mount Sharp, which passed through the Gale Crater, where would the water concentration.
Despite the finding, NASA does not treat the oceans as proof of the existence of life. The space agency considers that the evidence is a significant advance in the matter, since show that Mars "is able to support life."
A controversial topic to Curiosity does not carry instruments that can detect any form of life. That's because scientists do not have a consensus on how would this instrument. What experts say almost unanimously is that the search for Martian life would be directly connected to underground workings.
To determine the search NASA still working on a scheduled mission for 2020 in which could be experienced more methods to store the local soil samples plan.
yahoo news source
![ ](
domingo, 29 de março de 2015
Voting is reopened in Nigeria after problems with electronic voting machines
Voting is reopened in Nigeria after problems with electronic voting machines
The polling stations opened again in Nigeria on Sunday (29) to continue to vote to choose the country's next president, after the problems recorded on Saturday (28) with the new electronic system of accreditation which forced the postponement.
Besides the problem in the new system, violence has also upset the vote.
learn more
Election in Nigeria have deaths, failures, and will only end on Sunday
Attacks on polling stations in Nigeria leave dead
Nigeria has presidential elections amid threats of Boko Haram
Extremist Boko Haram, which had promised to disrupt the vote and, in fact, caused its postponement for six weeks, kept their promise: the group is suspected of having carried out bloody attacks, including two polling stations of the country's northeast.
At least 15 people died in the attacks, including an opposition politician.
The postponement "affects about 300 polling stations out of a total of 150,000," said a spokesman for the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Kayode Idowu.
Some of these polling stations opened their doors at 8 am (local, 4pm GMT) to accredit citizens who could not make it this Saturday (28).
With the electronic system of accreditation specifically created for these elections, Nigerians, before voting, must validate their voting cards through an electronic reader that also proves your fingerprint.
Although since early morning on Saturday many Nigerians have been queuing to vote in some centers card readers did not work and delays at the polls were very significant.
In order to prevent new errors in the system today, the Electoral Commission has authorized, if readers continue malfunctioning, the cards of voters are proven manually.
In addition to the technological problems, the election on Saturday came amid a wave of terrorist attacks in several constituencies, which left at least 15 people were killed in the queue.
These presidential elections, which should have happened on February 14, were postponed to try to ensure the security of citizens.
source G1
The polling stations opened again in Nigeria on Sunday (29) to continue to vote to choose the country's next president, after the problems recorded on Saturday (28) with the new electronic system of accreditation which forced the postponement.
Besides the problem in the new system, violence has also upset the vote.
learn more
Election in Nigeria have deaths, failures, and will only end on Sunday
Attacks on polling stations in Nigeria leave dead
Nigeria has presidential elections amid threats of Boko Haram
Extremist Boko Haram, which had promised to disrupt the vote and, in fact, caused its postponement for six weeks, kept their promise: the group is suspected of having carried out bloody attacks, including two polling stations of the country's northeast.
At least 15 people died in the attacks, including an opposition politician.
The postponement "affects about 300 polling stations out of a total of 150,000," said a spokesman for the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Kayode Idowu.
Some of these polling stations opened their doors at 8 am (local, 4pm GMT) to accredit citizens who could not make it this Saturday (28).
With the electronic system of accreditation specifically created for these elections, Nigerians, before voting, must validate their voting cards through an electronic reader that also proves your fingerprint.
Although since early morning on Saturday many Nigerians have been queuing to vote in some centers card readers did not work and delays at the polls were very significant.
In order to prevent new errors in the system today, the Electoral Commission has authorized, if readers continue malfunctioning, the cards of voters are proven manually.
In addition to the technological problems, the election on Saturday came amid a wave of terrorist attacks in several constituencies, which left at least 15 people were killed in the queue.
These presidential elections, which should have happened on February 14, were postponed to try to ensure the security of citizens.
source G1
quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2015
may have found key to have life
The Curiosity vehicle NASA discovered nitrogen on the surface of Mars, mean something that contributes to evidence that the Red Planet could have supported life in the past - said the US space agency said on Tuesday.
When drilling Martian rocks, the rover Curiosity found evidence of nitrates, nitrogen-containing compounds that can be used by living organisms.
The Curiosity team has found evidence that other ingredients necessary for life, such as liquid water and organic matter, already existed in the place known as Gale Crater.
"Find a biochemically accessible form of nitrogen is one more argument for the thesis that the ancient Martian environment in Gale crater would be habitable," said Jennifer Stern's Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA in Greenbelt, Maryland.
Nitrogen is essential to all known forms of life because it is a building block of DNA and RNA.
However, "there is no evidence to suggest that nitrogen molecules found by the team were created for life," warned NASA.
"The surface of Mars is inhospitable for known forms of life," said the agency.
The research team suggested that, instead, nitrates are old and probably came from meteorite impacts, rays and other non-biological processes.
On Earth and Mars, nitrogen is found in the form of nitrogen dioxide gas - two atoms stuck together so tightly that not react easily with other molecules.
The nitrogen atoms must be separated or "fixed" so that they can participate in chemical reactions necessary for life.
"On Earth, some organisms are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen and this process is essential for metabolic activity," said NASA.
"However, smaller amounts of nitrogen are also fixed by energy events like lightning."
The Curiosity vehicle is currently at the foot of Mount Sharp, a mountain 5,500 meters, formed by sedimentary layers.
In December, the robot detected regular methane emissions near the Martian surface, but the origin of the phenomenon is unknown.
Scientists do not expect the rover Curiosity find aliens or life on Mars, but hope to use it to analyze soil and rocks for signs of the key elements for life that the Red Planet may have harbored in the past.
The vehicle of $ 2.5 billion also aims to study the Martian environment to prepare for a possible human mission there in the coming years.
The US president, Barack Obama, promises to send humans to the Red Planet by 2030.
msn news source
domingo, 22 de março de 2015
quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2015
The French health system studies project takes protesa mammary the country
The French health system studies project takes protesa mammary the country
A study by the Cancer Institute of France, released on Tuesday (17), reveals that breast implants can cause a rare type of tumor in the lymphatic system.
Due to the conclusions of experts, the French government is currently studying the prohibition of breast implants in the country.
Researchers from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of France revealed the existence of a new disease, "anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with a breast implant (ALCL-AIM)" and proposes that this cancer be included in the classification diseases of the World Health Organization (WHO).
"There is a clearly established link between the emergence of this disease and the use of a breast implant," says the report by the French Institute. "This cancer was not diagnosed in any woman without prostheses in the breasts."
French oncologists estimate that the risk of lymphoma in women with breast implants is 200 times higher than in the general female population.
They point out, however, that the frequency of the medical complication is very low. Since 2011, only 18 women developed this cancer in France (one of them is dead), according to the INC.
The study was conducted at the request of the French authorities of health after the rapid increase of cases of this cancer in a relatively short period.
Although the number of affected people still be very limited, which worries the authorities is the speed of progression: the total number of new cases increased from two in 2012 to 11 last year.
The Health Minister Marisol Touraine said on Tuesday that women with breast implants "do not have to remove them" and should not be "overly concerned".
"Our vigilance is total," the minister said, adding that any breast implant brand is being targeted specifically in relation to the discovery of this new tumor.
Touraine also stated that the information to women wishing to place breast implants will be strengthened.
The National Agency of Drug Safety (MSNA) of France has announced that women who wish to put implants in the breasts should be "necessarily alerted about this new venture, even though he is down," he said in an interview with Le Parisien newspaper, François Hébert, deputy director general of the agency.
According to him, information documents and alerts on the issue have been sent to physicians in the country. "If you need to ban the implants, we will," said the director of MSNA.
The French agency will meet with experts later this month to decide on the matter. A possible ban of the prosthesis will depend on the conclusions of the researchers.
"The signs are compelling. The cases increase. We are exchanging information with the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) American," says Professor Benoit Vallet, Director General of Health, which determines the French public policies in the area.
"Health professionals should be more vigilant against this risk. Women who wear dentures should be examined by a doctor every year."
The discovery of new risks involving breast implants is only five years after the scandal of the French brand PIP prostheses, which shocked the country. They were produced with a silicone gel not authorized for medical purposes and fuel containing no additive tested for clinical use.
The PIP was the world's third largest manufacturer of breast implants and exported to many countries, including Brazil. According to the MSNA, about 400,000 women in France have prosthetic breasts, 80% of them for aesthetic reasons.
g1 source
A study by the Cancer Institute of France, released on Tuesday (17), reveals that breast implants can cause a rare type of tumor in the lymphatic system.
Due to the conclusions of experts, the French government is currently studying the prohibition of breast implants in the country.
Researchers from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of France revealed the existence of a new disease, "anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with a breast implant (ALCL-AIM)" and proposes that this cancer be included in the classification diseases of the World Health Organization (WHO).
"There is a clearly established link between the emergence of this disease and the use of a breast implant," says the report by the French Institute. "This cancer was not diagnosed in any woman without prostheses in the breasts."
French oncologists estimate that the risk of lymphoma in women with breast implants is 200 times higher than in the general female population.
They point out, however, that the frequency of the medical complication is very low. Since 2011, only 18 women developed this cancer in France (one of them is dead), according to the INC.
The study was conducted at the request of the French authorities of health after the rapid increase of cases of this cancer in a relatively short period.
Although the number of affected people still be very limited, which worries the authorities is the speed of progression: the total number of new cases increased from two in 2012 to 11 last year.
The Health Minister Marisol Touraine said on Tuesday that women with breast implants "do not have to remove them" and should not be "overly concerned".
"Our vigilance is total," the minister said, adding that any breast implant brand is being targeted specifically in relation to the discovery of this new tumor.
Touraine also stated that the information to women wishing to place breast implants will be strengthened.
The National Agency of Drug Safety (MSNA) of France has announced that women who wish to put implants in the breasts should be "necessarily alerted about this new venture, even though he is down," he said in an interview with Le Parisien newspaper, François Hébert, deputy director general of the agency.
According to him, information documents and alerts on the issue have been sent to physicians in the country. "If you need to ban the implants, we will," said the director of MSNA.
The French agency will meet with experts later this month to decide on the matter. A possible ban of the prosthesis will depend on the conclusions of the researchers.
"The signs are compelling. The cases increase. We are exchanging information with the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) American," says Professor Benoit Vallet, Director General of Health, which determines the French public policies in the area.
"Health professionals should be more vigilant against this risk. Women who wear dentures should be examined by a doctor every year."
The discovery of new risks involving breast implants is only five years after the scandal of the French brand PIP prostheses, which shocked the country. They were produced with a silicone gel not authorized for medical purposes and fuel containing no additive tested for clinical use.
The PIP was the world's third largest manufacturer of breast implants and exported to many countries, including Brazil. According to the MSNA, about 400,000 women in France have prosthetic breasts, 80% of them for aesthetic reasons.
g1 source
terça-feira, 10 de março de 2015
Cientistas japoneses advertiram para a mudança no padrão de movimento das placas tectônicas do Japão, completamente diferente do que tinham antes do terremoto de 2011, e aconselharam que a população fique alerta perante possíveis sismos similares. Pesquisadores da Autoridade de Informação Geoespacial (GSI), dependente do Ministério de Transporte e Infraestrutura, detalharam que as placas tectônicas do país asiático e de seus arredores estão em contínuo movimento, informou nesta terça-feira a emissora pública "NHK". Hisashi Suito, chefe da divisão de pesquisa da deformação da crosta terrestre da GSI, declarou à emissora japonesa que embora se suponha que as probabilidades de um novo terremoto deveriam diminuir, não acredita que seja assim. Os especialistas consideram que duas placas situadas no litoral nordeste do país, na área onde aconteceu o terremoto de março de 2011, deslizaram mais de 20 metros. Após examinar a atividade sob o mar, observaram que uma das placas se movimentou 95 centímetros para o leste, perto da península de Oshika, na província de Miyagi, que se afundou 120 centímetros no terremoto e subiu 39 desde então. Os cientistas dizem que uma das razões deste movimento, que está afetando uma ampla área desde o sul de Hokkaido (norte) até o centro do país, é liberar estresse geológico. O pesquisador alertou então para a necessidade de estar alerta perante um terremoto similar ao de 2011, que gerou o posterior tsunami que castigou a costa de Tohoku e deixou cerca de 18.000 mortos e desaparecidos.
Cientistas japoneses advertiram para a mudança no padrão de movimento das placas tectônicas do Japão, completamente diferente do que tinham antes do terremoto de 2011, e aconselharam que a população fique alerta perante possíveis sismos similares.
Pesquisadores da Autoridade de Informação Geoespacial (GSI), dependente do Ministério de Transporte e Infraestrutura, detalharam que as placas tectônicas do país asiático e de seus arredores estão em contínuo movimento, informou nesta terça-feira a emissora pública "NHK".
Hisashi Suito, chefe da divisão de pesquisa da deformação da crosta terrestre da GSI, declarou à emissora japonesa que embora se suponha que as probabilidades de um novo terremoto deveriam diminuir, não acredita que seja assim.
Os especialistas consideram que duas placas situadas no litoral nordeste do país, na área onde aconteceu o terremoto de março de 2011, deslizaram mais de 20 metros.
Após examinar a atividade sob o mar, observaram que uma das placas se movimentou 95 centímetros para o leste, perto da península de Oshika, na província de Miyagi, que se afundou 120 centímetros no terremoto e subiu 39 desde então.
Os cientistas dizem que uma das razões deste movimento, que está afetando uma ampla área desde o sul de Hokkaido (norte) até o centro do país, é liberar estresse geológico.
O pesquisador alertou então para a necessidade de estar alerta perante um terremoto similar ao de 2011, que gerou o posterior tsunami que castigou a costa de Tohoku e deixou cerca de 18.000 mortos e desaparecidos.![ ](
fonte yahoo noticia
sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2015
Marte já teve um oceano maior que o ártico, dizem cientistas da NASA
Marte já teve um oceano maior que o ártico, dizem cientistas da NASA
N vermelho": na verdade, o corpo celeste já abrigou um oceano tão extenso quanto o Ártico.
Em um artigo publicado na revista Science, os pesquisadores explicaram que há cerca de 4,5 bilhões de anos, metade do hemisfério norte do planeta era coberto por água, em profundidades de até 1,6 km. Acredita-se que o oceano se estendia por 19% do planeta.
"Nosso estudo proporciona uma estimativa bastante sólida de quanta água havia no planeta", explica Geronimo Villanueva, autor principal do artigo.
De acordo com os cientistas, a água foi se perdendo conforme a atmosfera marciana decaía, perdendo o calor e a pressão necessária para manter a água, que foi se condensando, em sua forma líquida. Hoje, só restam 13% do volume de água que havia nos oceanos de Marte, sob a forma de calotas de gelo.
“Sabemos hoje que havia enormes corpos de água em Marte: lagos, deltas e mares. Me parece que temos excelentes evidências de que Marte um dia foi habitável, apesar de não temos certeza se já houve habitantes no planeta", disse John, cientista da Universidade Leicester que faz parte da missão Curiosity, da Nasa, ao Guardian.
fonte :yahoo noticia
segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2015
sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2015
Jacaré pré-histórico do Acre tinha tamanho de um ônibus e mordia mais forte que um tiranossauro
Jacaré pré-histórico do Acre tinha tamanho de um ônibus e mordia mais forte que um tiranossauro
![Reprodução Reprodução](
Maior que um ônibus e com a mordida mais forte que a de um tiranossauro. Parece inimaginável, mas existiu. E, mais ainda, viveu no Brasil, mais especificamente na região que fica atualmente o Acre. OPurussaurus brasiliensis foi totalmente detalhado por pesquisadores, que já o conheciam há tempos, mas nunca tiveram informações mais detalhadas.
Entre as características expostas do réptil aquático, três se destacam. A primeira é a potência da mordida dele: nada menos do que 70 mil newtons, ou se você preferir, 7 toneladas de pressão. Para se ter ideia, valor é dez vezes a mordida de um leão. O segundo é seu tamanho, de 12,5m. Colocando o efeito de comparação, o jacaré era do tamanho de um ônibus de linha comum. Por fim, em terceiro lugar, está o peso. Toda essa força consumia 40kg de comida por dia para manter esbeltas 8,5 toneladas.
Os 40kg de alimentos consumidos pelo P. brasiliensis significavam muito problema para os animais que estavam no mesmo ecossistema. Isso porque, por conta do formato dos dentes, os especialistas afirmam que ele era carnívoro. Considerando que a Amazônia na época era um superpantanal, circulavam por lá animais como roedores de quase uma tonelada, o que facilitava o trabalho do réptil.
Tão gigante e poderoso, esse animal dominou a região por muito tempo. Cientistas estimam que sua extinção tenha sido causada pelas mudanças bruscas no ecossistema. Afinal, com esse tamanho, ele não se locomovia muito para caçar. Com as transformações na região, passou a não ter mais presas e simplesmente sumiu. Sorte de quem mora hoje na região.
fonte : yahoo noticia
quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2015
como inicio a comunicação no mundo
Com certeza, em um determinado momento desse passado, esse homem aprendeu a relacionar objetos e seu uso e a criar utensílios para caça e proteção e pode ter passado isso aos demais, através de gestos e repetição do processo, criando assim, uma forma primitiva e simples de linguagem.
Com o tempo, essa comunicação foi adquirindo formas mais claras e evoluídas, facilitando a comunicação não só entre os povos de uma mesma tribo, como entre tribos diferentes. As primeiras comunicações escritas (desenhos) de que se têm notícias são das inscrições nas cavernas 8.000 anos a.C.
O povo sumério, considerada a uma das mais antigas civilizações do mundo, já ocupava a região da Mesopotâmia quatro séculos antes de Cristo. Essa civilização foi a primeira a usar o sistema pictográfico (escritas feitas nas cavernas, com tintas).
Esse tipo de escrita era utilizada, também, pelos egípcios que, em 3100 a.C., criaram seus hierós glyphós ou “escrita sagrada”, como os gregos as chamavam.
Esse tipo de escrita era, além de pictórica, ideográfica, ou seja, utilizava símbolos simples para representar tanto objetos materiais, como idéias abstratas. Utilizava o princípio do ideograma (sinal que exprime idéias) no estágio em que deixa de significar o objeto que representa, para indicar o fonograma referente ao nome desse objeto.
Uma das mais significativas contribuições dos sumerianos está ligada ao desenvolvimento da chamada escrita cuneiforme. Nesse sistema, observamos a impressão dos caracteres sobre uma base de argila que era exposta ao sol e, logo depois, endurecida com sua exposição ao fogo. De fato, essa civilização mesopotâmica produziu uma extensa atividade literária que contou com a criação de poemas, códigos de leis, fábulas, mitos e outras narrativas. É a língua escrita mais antiga das que se têm testemunhos gráficos. As primeiras inscrições procedem de 3000 a.C.
Um estágio moderno da comunicação humana foi a descoberta da tipografia (arte de imprimir), pelo alemão Johann Gutemberg, em 1445. Essa invenção multiplicou e barateou os custos dos escritos da época e abriu a era da comunicação social.
Componentes da Comunicação
São componentes do processo de comunicação: o emissor da mensagem, o receptor, a mensagem em si, o canal de propagação, o meio de comunicação, a resposta (feedback) e o ambiente onde o processo comunicativo acontece.
Com relação ao ambiente, o processo comunicacional sofre interferências do ruído e a interpretação e compreensão da mensagem fica subordinada ao repertório (crenças, modo de ser, comportamentos) do receptor.
Em relação à forma, a comunicação pode ser verbal, não-verbal, gestual e mediada.
Verbal – Comunicação através da fala propriamente dita, formada por palavras e frases. Tem suas dificuldades (timidez,gagueira, etc.), mas ainda é a melhor forma de comunicação.
Não-verbal – Comunicação que não é feita por palavras faladas ou escritas. Usam-se muito os símbolos (sinais, placas, logotipos, ícones) que são constituídos de formas, cores e tipografias, que combinados transmitem uma idéia ou mensagem.
Linguagem corporal corresponde a todos os movimentos gestuais e de postura que fazem com que a comunicação seja mais efetiva. A gesticulação foi a primeira forma de comunicação. Com o aparecimento da palavra falada os gestos foram tornando-se secundários, contudo eles constituem o complemento da expressão, devendo ser coerentes com o conteúdo da mensagem.
A expressão corporal é fortemente ligada ao psicológico, traços comportamentais são secundários e auxiliares. Geralmente é utilizada para auxiliar na comunicação verbal, porém, deve-se tomar cuidado, pois muitas vezes a boca diz uma coisa, mas o corpo fala outra completamente diferente
Comunicação mediada - processo de comunicação em que está envolvido algum tipo de aparato técnico que intermedia os locutores.
Toda essa inovação nas formas de comunicação, fez com que a humanidade passasse a viver de uma forma totalmente nova, onde as fronteiras físicas deixam de ser obstáculos à comunicação constante entre os povos. Formas que até alguns anos eram impensáveis, passam a fazer parte do nosso dia a dia.
Um universo novo se apresente e,se os horizontes se alargam, perde-se o controle da informação próxima e garantida. Chegamos à exacerbação da informação (que é diferente do conhecimento), através dos meios eletrônicos, dos quais a internet é a campeã. Nesse universo tecnológico predomina a sapiência humana, suas qualidades, mas também, suas mazelas. Cabe às pessoas que se comunicam, fazê-lo de forma a utilizar as informações como fonte de troca para aquisição do conhecimento e usá-las com sabedoria.
Dicas para uma boa Comunicação
- Fale com o público e não para o público, envolva a platéia;
- Descomplique, fale de forma simpes e direta;
- Prepare-se. Qual assunto será abordado na sua comunicação?
- Conheça seu público: Características, tamanho, sujeitos, etc.;
Procure elaborar textos curtos, de leitura rápida. - Se possível, coloque imagens relacionadas ao assunto, para chamar a atenção;
- Releia seu comunicado para ver se está claro.
Lembrete: “A boca fala daquilo que o coração está cheio”. (Mt 15,18).
Portanto, mantenha a serenidade e reflita antes de elaborar uma comunicação.
História da Comunicação Humana: disponível em:
História da Comunicação Humana: disponível em:
Civilização Suméria: disponível em:
fonte : inforescola
domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2015
All people with blue eyes descend from the same human
All people with blue eyes descend from the same human
Blue eyes correspond to 8% of Earth's population, about 600 million people. A survey conducted by the Danish geneticist Hans Eiberg with mitochondrial DNA revealed a curious fact: all people with blue eyes descend from the same human being. According to the study, a single gene mutation turned brown eye blue.
Read also:
Fascinated by body modification, tattoos young eyes
Eiberg located this change in iris color with accuracy of time and space: this human mutant eye lived in the Black Sea region (southern Europe), about 7000 years ago. The mutation was following generation to generation and kept in human characteristics to the present day - 300 generations later, according to the website Mind Unleashed.
The discovery could be the explanation for the high concentration of blue eyes in the Old Continent, especially in Eastern Europe: Ukraine, 53% of people have blue eyes. Then the mutation spread to North America and Oceania. "A change in the OCA2 gene, created a 'switch' which literally 'turned off' the phenotype of brown eyes," Eiberg said.
Geneticists explain that the OCA2 gene controls the production of melanin pigment regulator of skin color, hair and eyes. The melanin production was not completely blocked (that cause albinism), creating humans with blue eyes. Before this change, all mankind had dark eyes. A beautiful surprise of nature, right?
source yahoo
Blue eyes correspond to 8% of Earth's population, about 600 million people. A survey conducted by the Danish geneticist Hans Eiberg with mitochondrial DNA revealed a curious fact: all people with blue eyes descend from the same human being. According to the study, a single gene mutation turned brown eye blue.
Read also:
Fascinated by body modification, tattoos young eyes
Eiberg located this change in iris color with accuracy of time and space: this human mutant eye lived in the Black Sea region (southern Europe), about 7000 years ago. The mutation was following generation to generation and kept in human characteristics to the present day - 300 generations later, according to the website Mind Unleashed.
The discovery could be the explanation for the high concentration of blue eyes in the Old Continent, especially in Eastern Europe: Ukraine, 53% of people have blue eyes. Then the mutation spread to North America and Oceania. "A change in the OCA2 gene, created a 'switch' which literally 'turned off' the phenotype of brown eyes," Eiberg said.
Geneticists explain that the OCA2 gene controls the production of melanin pigment regulator of skin color, hair and eyes. The melanin production was not completely blocked (that cause albinism), creating humans with blue eyes. Before this change, all mankind had dark eyes. A beautiful surprise of nature, right?
source yahoo
sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2015
Remember RoboCop
1987 Movie
RoboCop is an American film 1987, action and science fiction, directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner. Wikipedia
Date: July 17, 1987 (USA)
Director: Paul Verhoeven
Music composed by Basil Poledouris
Continued: RoboCop 2
Costumes: Erica Edell Phillips
In a dystopic and crime-ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg haunted by submerged memories.
Director: Paul Verhoeven
Writers: Edward Neumeier, Michael Miner
Stars: Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy | See full cast and crew
wikipedia source and MDB
1987 Movie
RoboCop is an American film 1987, action and science fiction, directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner. Wikipedia
Date: July 17, 1987 (USA)
Director: Paul Verhoeven
Music composed by Basil Poledouris
Continued: RoboCop 2
Costumes: Erica Edell Phillips
In a dystopic and crime-ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg haunted by submerged memories.
Director: Paul Verhoeven
Writers: Edward Neumeier, Michael Miner
Stars: Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy | See full cast and crew
wikipedia source and MDB
quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015
President of Ukraine threat with martial law if there is no peace plan
President of Ukraine threat with martial law if there is no peace plan
Petro Poroshenko said that "everything depends on the outcome of the summit '.
World leaders meet in Minsk to try agreement.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he was willing to establish martial law across Ukrainian territory if they fail the negotiations provided on Wednesday in Minsk and worsen the conflict in their country.
learn more
"Everything will depend on the outcome of the summit. Or we can stop the opponent through diplomatic channels or there will be another system. I, the government and parliament are willing to establish martial law across the Ukrainian territory," Poroshenko said at a meeting with his cabinet few hours before the summit in Minsk.
The Minsk summit meets on Wednesday afternoon the presidents of Ukraine, Russia, France and the chancellor of Germany.
Poroshenko also said that the countries involved in this meeting will speak with one voice against Russia in an attempt to end the Ukrainian conflict.
"I can assure that Ukraine and the European Union will speak with one voice. The priority is a ceasefire without preconditions," he emphasized.
At least 47 people died, 19 Ukrainian soldiers, the last 24 hours in combat in eastern Ukraine, announced on Wednesday the separatist authorities on swings provided separately.
"Nineteen soldiers died and 78 were injured in the last 24 hours," said Vladislav Selezniov, the spokesman of the country's army.
Among them, five soldiers were killed in an attack with rocket launchers against the city of Kramatorsk, home to the headquarters of the Ukrainian army in eastern breakaway.
In addition, 11 civilians were killed in this attack.
The fighting in Ukraine have intensified in recent days, despite diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict, which has left more than 5,300 dead since April last year.
g1 source
segunda-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2015
sábado, 7 de fevereiro de 2015
sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2015
terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2015
segunda-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2015
China says the US is against Obama meeting with Dalai Lama
China says the US is against Obama meeting with Dalai Lama
source: g1
China warned the United States on Monday (2) that opposes any country meet the Dalai Lama "in any way" after the White House had informed the US President, Barack Obama, can attend an event with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, which Beijing considers a separatist.
The White House said last week that Obama may speak at a breakfast on February 5 in Washington about the importance of religious freedom. The Dalai Lama should attend the ceremony.
"China opposes any nation or government use the issue of Tibiez to interfere in China's internal affairs, and opposes any country leader to meet with the Dalai Lama in any way," said the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Hong Lei at a press conference
Obama and Dalai Lama will appear together in public
Pope denies hearing the Dalai Lama to avoid problems with China
"China hopes the US to meet their promises on the issue of Tibiez, and proceed appropriately to deal with the issue on the basis of the general conditions of bilateral relations."
The White House, which said Obama has "great relationship" with the Dalai Lama, has not announced any specific meeting between the two.
Obama met with the Dalai Lama in Washington in February, the third between them, which infuriated Beijing. China says the monk is a "separatist" dangerous seeking the independence of Tibiez.
source: g1
China warned the United States on Monday (2) that opposes any country meet the Dalai Lama "in any way" after the White House had informed the US President, Barack Obama, can attend an event with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, which Beijing considers a separatist.
The White House said last week that Obama may speak at a breakfast on February 5 in Washington about the importance of religious freedom. The Dalai Lama should attend the ceremony.
"China opposes any nation or government use the issue of Tibiez to interfere in China's internal affairs, and opposes any country leader to meet with the Dalai Lama in any way," said the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Hong Lei at a press conference
Obama and Dalai Lama will appear together in public
Pope denies hearing the Dalai Lama to avoid problems with China
"China hopes the US to meet their promises on the issue of Tibiez, and proceed appropriately to deal with the issue on the basis of the general conditions of bilateral relations."
The White House, which said Obama has "great relationship" with the Dalai Lama, has not announced any specific meeting between the two.
Obama met with the Dalai Lama in Washington in February, the third between them, which infuriated Beijing. China says the monk is a "separatist" dangerous seeking the independence of Tibiez.
G.I. Joe remind
GI Joe is an American action figures franchise produced by Hasbro1 toy company. In Brazil, under the name of Falcon and then Action Figures was manufactured by Star.
GI Joe, as he said at the opening of the design, "is the code name of the boldest of the world strike team Its purpose:. Defend human freedom against Cobra Organization, a ruthless terrorist group determined to dominate the world."
Animated series [edit source]
Action Figures (GI Joe: A Real American Hero): The first cartoon in the franchise. Produced between 1983 and 1987 (Sunbow), then between 1989 and 1991 (DIC). In Brazil was broadcast by Rede Globo (between 1986 and 1994. The DIC, only the 3rd season of 1990 was televised) and then at the now defunct channel paid Locomotion (around 1999, only a few episodes of season 1, 1995) . In all, 100 episodes (95 more a feature length) produced by Sunbow and 44 produced by DIC:
The Mass Device (1983): Special chapters 5.
The Revenge of Cobra (1984): Special 5 chapters.
Season 1 (1985): 55 episodes.
Season 2 (1986): 30 episodes.
The Movie (1987): Long animated feature, sometimes divided into 5 chapters.
Operation Dragonfire (1989): Special chapters 5.
Season 3 (1990): 19 episodes.
Season 4 (1991): 20 episodes.
Sgt. Savage and His Screaming Eagles: The design had only one episode (the Sunbow in 1994) that never aired, only came with the doll that gives title to the production. The intention was to promote the new line of dolls (which were few inches bigger).
GI Joe Extreme: This new series replaced the canceled project last year. He had also new characters, using only the character Sgt. Savage's previous design. Had two seasons (by Sunbow / Gunther-Wahl between 1995 and 1997). In Brazil was broadcast on pay channel Locomotion extinct around 1999.
Season 1 (1995-1996): 13 episodes.
Season 2 (1996-1997): 13 episodes.
GI Joe: Spy Troops: Animation (produced by studio Reel FX in 2003) with effect from CGI who tried to redesign the franchise in the new millennium. He returned with famous characters from the 80s and introducing some new ones.
G.I. Joe: Valor vs. Venom: Other feature film (by Reel FX in 2004) animated effects with CGI sequence that led to the previous production, with better effects and new characters as well as some more famous.
GI Joe: Ninja Battles: Animation (by Reel FX in 2004) in narrative format with a retelling of the story of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. Some scenes of the two previous films were used. Came with a set of dolls.
GI Joe: Sigma 6: Anime facing more pro child audience (produced by Gonzo between 2005 and 2007). Had two seasons and had the participation of a few characters, but almost everyone already famous. In Brazil, was broadcast on pay channel Jetix extinct in 2008.
Season 1 (2005-2006): 13 episodes.
Season 2 (2006-2007): 13 episodes.
GI Joe: Resolute: It was an animated series (produced by Titmouse Inc. in 2009) of short episodes that together compose a full-length. It was well accepted by the fans for having most of the famous characters and have arguments and situations facing pro adult audience. For this reason, the integrated grid famous Adult Swim program in the United States.
GI Joe: Renegades: It was a new animated series (produced by Hasbro Studios in 2010-2011) where a retelling of the saga was made. Also with some classic characters and other appearing occasionally. It was also well received by the fans though not as adult when the previous production. The series was not canceled, but was suspended without forecast to return.
Season 1 (2010-2011): 26 episodes.
GI Joe: Operation HISS: Animated Series CGI launched exclusively online (Hasbro Studios in 2010) and gave sequence to the film in 2009 live action (The Rise of Cobra). It was not well received by the production is low budget.
United States [edit source]
Marvel Comics
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero: Between 1982 to 1994. 155 monthly issues.
G.I. Joe: Yearbook: Annual Summary. Between 1985 and 1988. 4 issues per year.
G.I. Joe: Special Missions: Between 1986 to 1989. 28 bimonthly issues.
GI Joe: Order of Battle: Between 1986 and 1987. 4 monthly issues.
GI Joe and the Transformers: In 1987. 4 monthly issues.
GI Joe: European Missions: Between 1988 and 1989. 15 monthly issues.
GI Joe Comics Magazine, Tales of GI Joe: A Real American Hero and Trade Paperback: Reissues of previous editions.
Transformers: Generation 2: Mini-series that had the presence of GI Joes.
Blackthorne Publishing
The Official How to Draw GI Joe: Between 1987 and 1988. 4 monthly issues.
GI Joe in 3D: Between 1987 and 1988. 6 quarterly issues.
Dark Horse
GI Joe Extreme: Between 1985 and 1986 four monthly issues.
Image Comics / Devil's Due Publishing
GI Joe: A Real American Hero (Volume 2): Alternative Future of the saga. Between 2001 and 2005. 43 monthly issues.
Battle Files and Data Desk Handbook: Sheets of characters and vehicles. In 2002, 3 bimonthly editions and in 2005 (an issue) and 2007, two monthly issues.
Convention Specials and special editions: 12 assorted and sporadic issues in the second half of the 2010 decade.
Front Line: Between 2002 and 2003 editions to 18 times monthly fortnightly other.
GI Joe: Master & Apprentice 1 and 2: In 2004, four monthly issues and in 2005, four monthly issues.
GI Joe: America's Elite: Continuation of GI Joe: A Real American Hero Vol.2 Between 2005 and 2008, 36 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Special Missions: Between 2006 and 2007. 6 sporadic issues.
Storm Shadow: In 2007 seven monthly issues.
Declassified: Between 2005 and 2007 13 sporadic issues divided into 4 mini-series (Snake Eyes, GI Joe, Scarlett and Dreadnoks) of 1, 3 or 6 episodes.
GI Joe vs. Transformers I, II, III (The Art of War) and IV (Black Horizon): In 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007. 6, 4, 5:02 monthly issues each.
GI Joe: Reloaded: Between 2004 and 2005. 14 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Sigma 6: Between 2005 and 2006. 6 monthly issues.
Dreamwave Productions
Transformers / GI Joe: Between 2003 and 2004. 6 monthly issues.
Transformers / GI Joe: Divided Front: Just had the 1st edition in 2004 for loss of franchise license.
25th Anniversary Comic Packs and 3 3/4 "Comic Packs:. Reissues of previous editions between 2004 and 2006 and between 2008 and 2009 editions in 9:21 dolls packs.
25th Anniversary Comic Packs (Originals): spare Stories involving the characters of the packs in which they came together. Between 2008 and 2009 editions in 16 dolls packs.
Mini Comics: Between 1985 and 2004 20 assorted and sporadic issues attached to other promotional products.
Fun Publications
GI Joe: Collector's Club Monthly: Between 2010 and 2011. 20 monthly issues.
GI Joe vs. Cobra: Between 2008 and 2010. 6 sporadic issues.
IDW Publications
GI Joe (Season 1): Between 2008 and 2011. Continuation of America's Elite (alternate future). 29 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Cobra Civil War / Cobra Command (Season 2): Continued from previous. Between 2011 and 2012. 19 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Cobra - Vol 1 and 2: Between 2009 and 2010 and between 2011 and 2012 19:20 monthly issues each..
Cobra Civil War: Snake Eyes: Between 2011 and 2012. 10 monthly issues.
GI Joe Origins: Between 2009 and 2011. 23 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Hearts & Minds: In 2010. 5 monthly issues.
GI Joe: A Real American Hero (Volume 1, continued): The official continuation of the saga interrupted in 1994 by Marvel Comics. Since 2010. 33 monthly issues (updated March 2013).
GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra (Movie Prequel) and (Movie Adaptation): In 2009. 4 monthly and weekly editions each respectively.
GI Joe: Snake Eyes: Between 2009 and 2010. 4 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Operation HISS: In 2010. 5 monthly issues.
GI Joe 2: Retaliation (Movie Prequel): In 2012. 2 monthly issues.
GI Joe: Future Noir: In 2010. 2 monthly issues.
Infastation 1 and 2: In 2011 and in 2012. 4:03 monthly issues.
GI Joe: The Best (Worst) of: Between 2009 and 2010. 9 assorted and sporadic issues.
GI Joe: Disavowed: Reissues of previous editions of "alternative future" (Image, Devil's Due and IDW). Come In. 5 editions.
GI Joe: A Real American Hero (Trade Paperback 2) and Special Missions: Other reissues of Marvel Comics editions. Between 2009 and 2012 and between 2010 and 2011 14:04 sporadic issues each.
Miscelânias: Between. 8 assorted and sporadic issues.
source: wikipedia
quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2015
quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2015
Após 17 anos de estudo, cientistas identificam animal que imita até 15 espécies
Após 17 anos de estudo, cientistas identificam animal que imita até 15 espécies
![Reprodução Reprodução](
Foram 17 anos de tentativas para que, finalmente, especialistas identificassem um animal marinho muito peculiar que teve contato com o ser humano pela primeira vez apenas em 1998. Chamado de polvo mimético, ele habita as águas do sudeste da Ásia e possui a impressionante capacidade de imitar outras espécies.
De acordo com especialistas, a característica é bastante peculiar, mas não inesperada. Isso porque polvos são considerados animais marinhos com impressionante capacidade de adaptação aos ambientes onde vivem, inclusive através da imitação. De qualquer modo, o polvo mimético impressiona pela agilidade com a qual age.
A peculiaridade que mais chama a atenção dos especialistas neste caso é que o polvo mimético não imita apenas as características físicas de outros animais. Após estudos, cientistas comprovaram que essa espécie imita também o comportamento de outros 15 animais marinhos. Entre os imitados estão corais, linguados, peixe-leão e as cobras de Bali, consideradas muitíssimo perigosas.
fonte yahoo noticia
terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2015
lembra metalde
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